Jumping water fountains line the sidewalk by its main entrance; a grandiose spaceship pod-like entrances makes you feel like you're entering another world; and the multi-screen jumbo tron plastered on the building's facade dwarfs the massive TV screen advertising new release movies across the street. This intersection's only saving grace from mall supersaturation is a Marriott perched on the northeast corner. To add to its grandiose feel, the new mall is attached through above- and underground links to neighboring malls. My commute home now involves about a quarter-mile of indoor, air conditioned, and crowded mall hallways.
But with so many malls, you would think competition would minimize crowds. Not so. Apparently malling is a Saturday night activity. Returning home this past weekend around 10:30pm, the party was just starting at the Ion. Thousands of shoppers crowded the malls as they hung with friends, window shopped, and socialized. In Singapore, life truly is a mall...and all its men and women merely shoppers.
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