A must-see for first-time Bay Area visitors, Muir Woods is accessible to just about anyone. Shuttles easily bus city folk who don't own wheels (the shuttle lot is just over the Golden Gate Bridge); and for those who rely on wheels for getting everywhere, Muir Woods is wheelchair accessible. While the trailhead at the main entrance is what most people come for (paved or boardwalked and easy to hike) try going off the beaten path for a more "authentic" hiking experience.
For those hiking more for leisure, take the Fern Creek Trail. Trickling water, stony creek beds, and log bridges that take you over both make for a peaceful hiking experience. Those erring more toward the hard-core, take the Dipsea and Sun trails through varied terrain. While inclines are steep and there are areas of no tree cover, the end of the trails rewards. The Tourist Club nestled within the redwoods offers members and hikers (for a fee) access to its German-style beer garden.
While Muir Woods offers a nice break from the bustle of its southward city neighbor, the city in all its liberal glory is never too far away (notice the convenient location of the First Amendment Area):
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