Del Valle Regional Park is most known for its water sports. On any given weekend, trucks with boats in tow and SUVs with kayaks atop can be seen heading toward the Del Valle Reservoir entrance on Mines Road. But while the dammed Arroyo del Valle river provides ample area for boating, 28 miles of hiking trails are also found here. For hikers, avoid the watersport fanatics and find a more peaceful hiking experience at the Arroyo Road entrance.
Del Valle's East Shore Trail wins the award for immediate gratification. A short (yet steep) 15 minute uphill hike brings you to views that will blow you away. A picturesque panorama of both the Livermore and San Ramon valleys causes even the most earnest hiker to stop and pause. Rolling hills dominated by Mount Diablo, green trellised vines waiting for harvest, and one of the most beautiful golf courses in the country are just some of what you'll see. Turn around from this view and another awaits: the Del Valle Reservoir, lush with green trees and placid water which looks best as the sun sets.
After being blown away by the view, continue along the moderate 4-mile loop winding through hills of golden hay. Then catch the Heron Bay Trail to bring you close to the water. Fenceline blocks shoreline in most places, but look for the sporadic gates which allow foot access to rocky beaches and the reservoir itself.
While Del Valle hiking sits in the shadow its watersports arena, the hikers know better! Del Valle is a view-worthy hiking destination.
Hey Sarah....nice post. Who's that guy in the picture?
ReplyDeleteThat's my co-worker Gareth. He's a great hiking partner, and Del Valle is super convenient to work!!! Just a 10-minute drive away...gotta take advantage of the views so close to us!