Now I'm not a singer; nor am I one to get caught up in emotion, especially emotion aroused by aesthetics or natural phenomenon. But for the first time in my life, I've had a Julie Andrews experience...and on a daily basis to boot. While many fly to the Bay Area for the city, just over the Pleasanton Ridge lies an area that is truly God's county.
Green in the spring and golden in the winter, the hills of the East Bay make one take pause. Their gentle undulation makes you understand why hills "roll." The golden tint of thirst grass and the electric green aura when it's satisfied leads eyes to leave the road and look ahead. The only blemishes you see are the shadows of clouds as they too peer down on the beauty; the only halt in the aimless roll of grassy vegetation are the trellises of vines, flanked and orderly. Even at night, the hills don't lose their beauty as the illuminated curve of headlights traverse through them, back home.
Truth be told, I have not yet run up into the hills and begun to sing. But if you happen upon a news story about a mysterious woman in the hills, running in circles and reciting a very bad rendition of the Sound of Music, you just may know where to find her!
***Thanks to http://www.pedalpushersonline.com for the use of their East Bay photo...I think my sister is the only one who could replicate such a beautiful scene in a picture.
Yep! I look at your sister's cozy rendtion of our "lake cabins" every day. I had best enjoy it because in a couple of months I will hang it in Cabin #2 in Laura's honor. I just have to figure how to label it so she gets credit--any ideas? Maybe Mchael's can help.
You could tuck one of Laura's business cards in bottom corner between the glass and the frame. Her cards are tiny, half-sized oddities. They're cute and I think they actually cost her half the price of regular sized business cards. I'll see if I can get her to send you some in the mail.